I stand with single parent families

Single parents tell us that they are a low priority for political parties. Add your name if you agree it’s time to change this narrative.

Single parents, who battle life's challenges with courage, resilience, and determination, deserve our recognition, support, and solidarity. That's why we're rallying all political parties to put single parent families at the top of the agenda.

By adding your name, you’ll be sending a powerful message: single parents are equal families, and their voices matter. 

Together, let's shape a more equal society where every family gets the support they deserve to thrive

  • As a newly single parent myself the stigma and struggles that have begun to surround my lifestyle takes a massive toll on my emotional strength. Its scary that until you are put into the situation were you are forced to choose the best for your child even if that means becoming a single parent it is an unspoken topic. Now i am a single parent it seems to be a topic many feel they are experts on as they judge my circumstance. emily c 12.01.2025 15:31
  • Temitope O 20.11.2024 17:58
  • I am a single mum and although I am ok(ish) now I can see more of the single mum struggling to raise their kids. Agata D 19.11.2024 14:34
  • Because as someone single parenting with the support of extended family and community, I want to support those doing this alone - so they know they aren't alone and we see the amazing job they do. Clare K 18.11.2024 13:58
  • I am a single parent to three daughters. I have a full time job and mortgage I pay alone since my husband left due to domestic abuse. I find it so hard to afford surviving let alone living. My mortgage has gone up so much with interest rates and because I don’t earn enough, I can’t change it and received no support my Lloyds, the bank I have it with. My ex husband owes me over £10 thousand in areas for child maintenance. He is self employed so just gets away with not paying month after month, continuing the abuse. It has been a constant fight to get any money or any support from the police when he has harassed me and other things. No one chooses to be a single mum but we are victimised. We only get 25% of council tax, why not 50%. My ex stopped paying it a year before he left and they told me as I am the only one in the household now, they would only come after me to pay off the debt. There is no help with bills, school uniform or anything being alone, unless you meet the threshold of earning under £8 thousand a year. It’s so hard sometimes being the only support for your children. You have to juggle finances, recovering from the abuse and all the day to day running of a household with children. I feel children of single parents can’t afford the experiences children of two parent families can. This would be swimming lessons, days out, after school clubs and holidays. My main complaint it the child maintenance service. They do not enforce payments even though my ex works for the AA driving school as a registered instructor and there is a payment trail through them. They don’t do enough the end child poverty. Stacy F 17.11.2024 13:23
  • The system is massively failing single parents, as a single mother I have been through the monstrous task of communicating with The CMS and it’s awful, and months of fighting for maintenance in a system which in letting people slip further into poverty fighting with non residential parents and a system that allows bad behaviour and no payments backed with lengthly processes that mean parents are not receiving money they are owed. Penny L 17.11.2024 10:49